Thursday, March 10, 2011

parenthood is scary

Being a parent is so scary sometimes. When I'm away from my child, I just can't wait to get back to her. When she is sad, I want her to be happy. When she cries, I want to kiss it and make it all better. I love giving her kisses! If I could permanently attach my lips to her forehead, I think I would. She grows, and changes, and learns, and my heart sings! She looks at new things with excitement and joy. She is trying to figure out the world around her. She is awesome.

But being a parent comes with worry. And I can't help but fear those things that we wish will never happen to our child. What if she breaks something? What if she get's sick? What if I can't protect her? What if something happens to her and I don't get to watch her grow to have her first kiss, graduate from college, get married, have a child of her own?

Being a parent is really amazing and scary all at the same time.

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